Should an Outbuilding Be Inspected?

You likely know how important it is to have a home inspected before buying or selling. It provides details of potential problems and helps with accurately pricing a home. However, an area you likely don’t consider for an inspection is outbuildings. They are part of your property and can be part of an insurance policy. But do you need an inspection done? Here is what to know about an outbuilding.

What is an Outbuilding?

An outbuilding is an extension of your home designed in multiple ways. Many homeowners use these buildings as a way to have extra space for storing lawn tools or sports equipment. Others elect to use them as an external room. An outbuilding comes prefabricated or as metal structures. Whether it’s a shed, greenhouse, or another type of building, the design varies based on the need.

How Outbuilding Inspections Work

The process of doing inspections of outbuildings is relatively similar to those done for traditional homes. An inspector looks at elements such as the roof, structure, foundation, and the building’s exterior. If the outbuilding includes electrical and plumbing systems, inspectors review these as well. Inspectors also look at attics should the building have them included.

Deciding on an Inspection

Knowing what goes into an inspection of an outbuilding, do you need one if it’s on your property? Some inspectors include a review of the building as an ancillary service. Others perform inspections in addition to a regular home inspection, even if it isn’t required. Depending on where you live, local requirements require that every building on your property is inspected. Another factor to consider is how detailed the outbuilding is. If it’s relatively basic, the need for inspection is minimal. However, the more finished the building is, the higher the chances of needing an inspection.

An outbuilding is a great way to have additional space for your home. While an inspection isn’t normally thought of, scheduling one for a building ensures that it is safe for any purpose.

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How Robots Are Used In Home Inspections

In recent years the evolution of technology has been expansive. Tasks that have been done in traditional methods are now being completed in unique ways. This is especially true in the home inspection industry. Now, inspectors use items such as drones and infrared devices to complete their inspections. Another device that is gaining popularity among home inspectors is robots. Also known as crawl bots, they provide multiple benefits for inspectors. Here is how they work and why inspectors use them.

What is Crawlspace Robots?

Also known as crawl bots or crawlers, crawlspace robots are mechanical devices that can inspect smaller spaces. They are specifically designed for crawlspaces, which are usually tight and stuffy. Inspectors may find items like exposed wiring, mold, and even animals in these spaces, giving them a reason to avoid doing so themselves if they can. This is where a robot is beneficial. It is a remote-controlled device that closely resembles an RC car. This allows inspectors to examine crawlspaces while being a safe distance from the space itself.

Benefits of Use

Using crawlspace robots offers home inspectors a number of advantages. For example, they look in every direction and send detailed videos back to the inspector. From there, they share these images with the homeowner or buyer. These robots also provide enhanced comfort for inspectors, who don’t have to move on their hands and knees in tight spaces and potentially extreme temperatures.

Features of Crawlspace Robots

A home inspection robot can vary in price and features, depending on your needs. One of the available features is the ability to control and record video directly to a smartphone. Others use a remote control and record video on the robot itself. Some robots have the option of a tether, giving inspectors the opportunity for analog video recording.


There are reasons that inspectors don’t elect to use these robots, however. The biggest of these is price. Higher-end models can be expensive to purchase as well as replace. But, it is possible to build a version for inspectors with the capability to do so. Another pitfall is that robots can get stuck while moving. Whether it’s on a pipe, ledge, or other kinds of debris, any obstruction leads to problems.

A robot serves as a great tool for home inspectors to examine spaces they may have difficulty reaching. While they are an investment for the inspection company, they provide beneficial insights to give a complete picture of a home.

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Proactive Mold Prevention Tips

Homeowners know the importance of protecting it from the elements. This includes taking steps to prevent things like mold. There are multiple reasons to do everything possible to keep mold out of your home. In addition to an unsightly appearance, mold can lead to many health problems. Plus, it may result in damage to your home. Fortunately, there are steps to take to prevent it from developing and save you the trouble of needing remediation. Here are some mold prevention techniques to consider.

Keep Everything Dry

Mold loves to grow in moist environments. This makes it important to keep your home as dry as possible. Mold can flourish in any material, including furniture, clothes, and paper objects. As mold thrives at 65% humidity, it’s recommended to keep your home at 30-50%. Dehumidifiers and fans also serve as a way to keep air dry and circulated.

Cleaning Helps Mold Prevention

One of the easiest ways to prevent mold in your home is through cleaning. It’s not just about open areas, either. Regularly cleaning cabinets and closed spaces can help prevent excessive mold spread. In addition, focus on areas such as bathroom and kitchen sinks, which can be more prone to mold. Many stores carry mold and mildew cleaners if you have to clear a patch, but there are ways to make it yourself.

Consider Replacement Materials

Depending on the age of your home, elements of it may be more susceptible to mold. Should mold get in and the damage is significant, these parts will need to be replaced. There are mold-resistant materials designed to be added to your home and prevent future mold outbreaks. These include wood, insulation, caulk, sealant, and paint. While these materials help with mold prevention, they still require thorough cleaning both before and after installation.

Other Mold Prevention Options

There are other ideas you can do to ensure a mold-free environment in your home. For example, check your home HVAC system to ensure there is no mold present, including replacing air filters as needed. Also, dust and vacuum regularly. Monitoring for leaks and cracks in your home help indicate signs of potential water damage. Plus, keep excess water away from your property by keeping your gutters clean or sloping the foundation.

Mold is a problem for homeowners, especially if it is allowed to grow. By knowing ways to prevent it’s buildup, you keep your home from experiencing damage.

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